The Spiral Stair Attraction

“Spirals have inspired artists and scientists throughout the ages. The so called sacred geometry of universal patterns is based upon nature and mathematics.

This might be the reason why spiral stairs are hypnotizing to me.

Some say it’s an art…

…And, it is.”

Louis Beltran

The Spiral Stair Attraction

Since the beginning, spiral staircases have been that magnificent architectural element that becomes one of the main visual treasures within the building. Due to its complex helical structure they have been introduced relatively late into modern architecture.

And… oh, how are we enjoying them today!

Aluminum Spiral Stair, Naples FL

Spiral staircases were commonly used to reach difficult access spaces. Today, these stairs have a charm that makes the ambience rejoice. Heights can vary. Ancient spiral stairs were really high. How about 98 ft up? Everything is possible.

BELT has developed different styles and forms of spiral stairs. They have the design perspective of Louis Beltran, plastic artist and founder of the company. But art is not the only thing that matters, craftmanship and hand-made processes need to follow the guidelines of the engineers because of its architectural complexity.

Spiral Stairs

European architecture is the root,

Paris, provides the inspiration,

Villas, deliver the dreams.

Art Fact ·

Spiral staircases are one of the elements that best define the evolution of architecture throughout history.

The helicoidal position of each piece shows the skill that the art masters have achieved in sculpture today.

BELT has created magnificent spiral stairs for indoor and outdoor spaces. Stairs are the tangible expression of customers vision. At the same time, aesthetics and function are as important as complying with the safety regulations from every state.
Each element in the stair composition is manufactured in bronze, iron and/or aluminum. Stairs can be anchored also in different materials, such as wood, marble or metal. Steps play a mayor role in the customization of the stair. It is easy to have fun with the designs since they have infinite possibilities.

Rythym aesthetics is key

Accomplishing a great rhythmic design requires mastery. The architecture of these stairs utilizes exact geometry and creative eye expertise to determine the dimensions between the elevation of the steps, the height of the levels, and the frequency in design: a deep understanding of artistic principles.

History Fact ·

In the medieval times, spiral stairs were built in castles, specifically in the towers. They turn to the right because of strategic military reasons: the fighter who went up to conquer the castle had a disadvantage; he had reduced space to attack and make moves, unless left-handed.

BELT does spiral stairs since its beginings in 1985. The company is proud to have perfected the helical system to the point of being the expert referal in the luxury spiral stair art.

Rythym aesthetics is key

Forging dreams since 1985